Hace treinta años, no lo sabía aún. Una mañana de enero de 1978, caminaba el corto tramo que separa la Escuela de Matemáticas del Rectorado, creyendo que me dirigía hacia el local de la FEU, situado junto a la Escalinata. “Es aquí”, me dijo Maritza, la presidenta, señalando hacia una escalera por donde nunca había transitado y que me condujo a la oficina del que era en aquel momento Primer Secretario del Partido en la Universidad. Todavía no sospechaba lo que estaba ocurriendo, cuando me presentaron a dos personas: el agente “Noel” y otro individuo cuyo nombre no alcancé a escuchar, aunque no creo que me hubiera sido de gran utilidad conocer su alias. Eran los encargados de poner fin a mi corta carrera de escritor, los que recopilaron cuidadosamente todas las copias de los cuentos y la novela que había leído en el Taller Literario durante algo más de un año, para desaparecerlas en algún archivo bien ordenado. El Primer Secretario y otras personalidades, entre ellas el Rector de la Universidad, se ocuparon del resto: mis expulsiones sucesivas de la FEU, la UJC y la Universidad, así como de enviar un aviso al Comité Militar para que convirtiera mi poco bravía persona en un aguerrido combatiente de la patria. Terminaban así, un año de trabajo a imaginación suelta, mis investigaciones matemáticas, mi confianza en la utilidad de la literatura como factor de transformación de la sociedad y mi juventud misma.
Un cuarto de siglo demoré en volver a oprimir una tecla con propósitos literarios. Algún arqueólogo casual me desenterró (quizás fuera un compañero de trabajo que me habló de la forma en que devoraba kilómetros mirando la rueda delantera de su bicicleta deslizarse por las piedrecillas de la carretera) y volví al mundo de las letras. Escribí una novela (Delito Mayor), celebrada por muchos de los que la leen, encontré a un editor (extranjero, claro está, español por más señas), que tomó rápidamente la decisión de publicarla y hallé también a algunos de mis antiguos amigos, encantados de encontrarme en el

Y cuando me preguntan qué hice todos esos años, respondo parcamente: “Vivir.” Le arranco el prefijo “Sobre” porque es triste reconocerlo y porque en el Taller me enseñaron a ser conciso, y si puedo decirlo con cinco letras, ¿Para qué emplear diez?
Delito mayor, 1ª edición
Ternera macho.
Exactamente un año después de publicado mi primer libro, salió el segundo. “Ternera macho y otros absurdos” fue su nombre, creado para sustituir el de “Cuentos poco edificantes”, con el que yo pretendía nombrarlo. Además de los que originalmente preparé para este título, tiene varios relatos que escribí con la idea de ponerlos en otro libro y otros que compuse sin ningún propósito especial. Además, incluí “¡Ah, qué felicidad!”, un cuento de aquellos que enfurecieron al viejo “Noel” y que conservé, de milagro, en la memoria (en mi cabeza, que no había de otro tipo en esa

Aunque he escrito varias novelas, todo el tiempo estoy escribiendo cuentos. Las razones para hacer esto son variadas, pero hay una sencilla: los cuentos son más cortos, uno va al asunto sin muchos rodeos y después la depuración resulta más fácil y el resultado brilla con sólo unos días de trabajo. La novela, no. Uno corrige, agrega, quita y cuando acaba parece que no ha hecho nada. “Delito mayor” la reescribí más de diez veces y conté con la ayuda de mi familia y de algunos amigos, como el inestimable Amauri Gutiérrez, quien contribuyó mucho a que conservara el tono.
Hay algunos cuentos en “Ternera Macho…” que me entusiasmaron desde el principio. Fue como si yo no los hubiera inventado, como si estuvieran allí, en un rincón de mi cabeza, esperando a que los encontrara. Es lo que sucedió, treinta años atrás, con “¡Ah, qué felicidad!”, y es lo que sucede ahora con “Un saco de pienso”, “El compañero JOB” o “Al asecho de la nínfula.” Otros, fueron versiones de historias personales que me contaron y transformé de tal manera, que sus propios autores no las han reconocido: tal es el caso de “Dieciséis Tetas”, “El día de Margarita” y “Rikimbini”. No deja de haber cuentos fabricados laboriosamente y he procurado que queden tan frescos como aquellos que escribí de un teclazo: así son, “Los del edificio”, “Noviando en La Habana” o “Traición”, relato éste tan escurridizo que estuve cerca de dejarlo dentro en varias ocasiones.
Anita y las Cinco Gordas.
Ahora tengo varios cuentos sin ubicación prevista. Ocurre que siempre me quedan cuando termino una novela. Los voy guardando en carpetas aparte, a veces los pierdo y los vuelvo a hacer. Ya sé que la memoria es la mejor garantía que se tiene de que no va a perder el trabajo: usted borre lo que escribió, formatee el disco duro, pero recuerde su trabajo, renueve sus vivencias con sus personajes y verá que todo vuelve a estar escrito y con expresiones similares a las que utilizó anteriormente.
Mi tercera novela, recién concluida, está en fase de revisión. Me tomo muy en serio ese trabajo, porque no soy un Mozart para escribir de corrido sin errores y porque hay mucho que hacer para que mis lectores no se aburran traduciendo ni adivinando; para que no crean que les tomo el pelo, ni encuentren afectada, torpe, ridícula ni abrumadora mi prosa. La novela se llama, hasta este momento, “Anita y las Cinco Gordas”. No sé si se seguirá titulando así después de presentarla a la editorial o, mejor dicho, a alguna editorial. No estoy tan seguro de que continúen publicando mis obras en Renacimiento.
Tengo también otra novela, mucho más larga y ambiciosa que las anteriores. Es un trabajo en el que he ido depositando semillas durante cuatro años y pienso a dedicarme a él cuando termine la limpieza de mis gordas. Para no parecer un poco vago por pura escasez de tiempo, debo decir a mi favor, que no he dejado de ganarme la vida en el mundo real ni de hacer las compras en el agro, ese sitio donde las fieras son más audaces; ni de cocinar, maldiciendo al fabricante de estos fósforos microcefálicos y humidificados, mientras el gas se esconde en los agujeros del quemador de la cocina sin prender una mínima llama que me ayude, cocción mediante, a calmar los reclamos de mi familia.
Muchos proyectos literarios he comenzado, a algunos los he pospuesto. Espero no abandonarlos, anoto tareas para cuando pueda. ¡Ojalá que un nuevo “Noel” no se ocupe de mí y me deje silencioso durante otro cuarto de siglo!
84 comentarios:
Ummmm, me parece que esa historia que cuentas amerita, más desarrollo y detalles, intríngulis y vericuetos...
Me gustaría leerlos aquí.
Espíritu de Vicentina Antuñas
Desde que lo descubrí -en su primer libro publicado en España- lo dije convencido: Estamos frente a un Buen Escritor cubano. Y, creanme, he leido unos cuantos...
Se lo recomiendo, leanlo, y descubrirán porque les hablo de un ESCRITOR con todas las mayúsculas.
Este hombre -de seguir una adecuada trayectoria- ¡¡y si las Editoriales despiertan!! dará mucho que hablar en el futuro panorama literario cubano.
...mientras tanto, por aquí estaré leyendo y esperando (im)pacientemente la publicación de su nuevo libro.
Saudos cordiales.
De Barbarito, un lector.
En realidad desconocia de tan variada seleccion pero entre mas la descubro mas la disfruto.
Mil felicitaciones, por el talento y el valor.
De lejos y de cerca en cinco años no he dejado de apreciar todos los valores que modestamente disimulas.
Excelent writer, padre ejemplar, buen amigo, matematico, poeta y medio loco....
Un hombre de valores y virtudes inumerables al que tengo el placer de conocer y admirar.
Cheers to you and keep going .....
El cochero azul
Estimado Cuza, como te llamábamos en el taller literario. También fui víctima de aquel cuento. Ya me esparcí por el mundo, mi rabia se disipó hace mucho. Quizá, rompí con mi cultura después que me expulsaron del contexto social y en el bote logré entender, lo que me encontraría. Todo, gracia a tu cuento. Vete a mi blog o a mi página y saluda a Reina María de parte del "Extraterrestre", pues nunca quise comprometerla ni con una llamada. Hoy aculturé esta hermosa provincia caribeña, botín de guerra de los gringos (Puerto Rico) y soy feliz. Un viejo buen conocido, Díaz-Cabrera.
Took me time to read all of the comments, but I really loved the article. It proved to be very useful to me and I am positive to all the commenters right here! It is always good when you can't solely be informed, but additionally engaged! I am sure you had pleasure writing this article. Anyway, in my language, there aren't a lot good supply like this.
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Took me time to read all of the comments, but I really loved the article. It proved to be very useful to me and I am positive to all the commenters right here! It is always good when you can't solely be informed, but additionally engaged! I am sure you had pleasure writing this article. Anyway, in my language, there aren't a lot good supply like this.
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Wonderful learn, I simply handed this onto a colleague who was doing some research on that. And he actually purchased me lunch because I discovered it for him smile So let me rephrase that: Thanks for lunch! Anyway, in my language, there should not much good source like this.
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Completely understand what your stance on this matter. Though I might disagree on a number of the finer details, I think you probably did an awesome job explaining it. Sure beats having to analysis it on my own. Thanks. Anyway, in my language, there aren't a lot good supply like this.
Completely understand what your stance on this matter. Though I might disagree on a number of the finer details, I think you probably did an awesome job explaining it. Sure beats having to analysis it on my own. Thanks. Anyway, in my language, there aren't a lot good supply like this.
Completely understand what your stance on this matter. Though I might disagree on a number of the finer details, I think you probably did an awesome job explaining it. Sure beats having to analysis it on my own. Thanks. Anyway, in my language, there aren't a lot good supply like this.
Daniel, yea I can see what you did there. I actually liked that part, but hehe I'm not that harsh like my dad with these things. He at all times tells me crazy stories again in the day and calls me a loser. I assume it's time I transfer out of my parents' basement LOL. Aaanyways, what about you? what does your dad assume xD" Anyway, in my language, there usually are not much good source like this.
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Your blog is fine. I simply want to touch upon the design. Its too loud. Its doing approach an excessive amount of and it takes away from what youve got to say --which I think is basically important. I dont know in the event you didnt suppose that your words may maintain everyones consideration, but you have been wrong. Anyway, in my language, there usually are not a lot good source like this.
Daniel, yea I can see what you did there. I actually liked that part, but hehe I'm not that harsh like my dad with these things. He at all times tells me crazy stories again in the day and calls me a loser. I assume it's time I transfer out of my parents' basement LOL. Aaanyways, what about you? what does your dad assume xD" Anyway, in my language, there usually are not much good source like this.
Hi, i learn your blog occasionally and i personal the same one and i used to be just wondering for those who get plenty of spam feedback? If that's the case how do you prevent it, any plugin or something you possibly can recommend? I'm getting so much these days it is driving me mad so any help could be very much appreciated. Anyway, in my language, there are not a lot good source like this.
Your blog is fine. I simply want to touch upon the design. Its too loud. Its doing approach an excessive amount of and it takes away from what youve got to say --which I think is basically important. I dont know in the event you didnt suppose that your words may maintain everyones consideration, but you have been wrong. Anyway, in my language, there usually are not a lot good source like this.
Daniel, yea I can see what you did there. I actually liked that part, but hehe I'm not that harsh like my dad with these things. He at all times tells me crazy stories again in the day and calls me a loser. I assume it's time I transfer out of my parents' basement LOL. Aaanyways, what about you? what does your dad assume xD" Anyway, in my language, there usually are not much good source like this.
Hi, i learn your blog occasionally and i personal the same one and i used to be just wondering for those who get plenty of spam feedback? If that's the case how do you prevent it, any plugin or something you possibly can recommend? I'm getting so much these days it is driving me mad so any help could be very much appreciated. Anyway, in my language, there are not a lot good source like this.
Your blog is fine. I simply want to touch upon the design. Its too loud. Its doing approach an excessive amount of and it takes away from what youve got to say --which I think is basically important. I dont know in the event you didnt suppose that your words may maintain everyones consideration, but you have been wrong. Anyway, in my language, there usually are not a lot good source like this.
Daniel, yea I can see what you did there. I actually liked that part, but hehe I'm not that harsh like my dad with these things. He at all times tells me crazy stories again in the day and calls me a loser. I assume it's time I transfer out of my parents' basement LOL. Aaanyways, what about you? what does your dad assume xD" Anyway, in my language, there usually are not much good source like this.
Hi, i learn your blog occasionally and i personal the same one and i used to be just wondering for those who get plenty of spam feedback? If that's the case how do you prevent it, any plugin or something you possibly can recommend? I'm getting so much these days it is driving me mad so any help could be very much appreciated. Anyway, in my language, there are not a lot good source like this.
Your blog is fine. I simply want to touch upon the design. Its too loud. Its doing approach an excessive amount of and it takes away from what youve got to say --which I think is basically important. I dont know in the event you didnt suppose that your words may maintain everyones consideration, but you have been wrong. Anyway, in my language, there usually are not a lot good source like this.
Daniel, yea I can see what you did there. I actually liked that part, but hehe I'm not that harsh like my dad with these things. He at all times tells me crazy stories again in the day and calls me a loser. I assume it's time I transfer out of my parents' basement LOL. Aaanyways, what about you? what does your dad assume xD" Anyway, in my language, there usually are not much good source like this.
Hi, i learn your blog occasionally and i personal the same one and i used to be just wondering for those who get plenty of spam feedback? If that's the case how do you prevent it, any plugin or something you possibly can recommend? I'm getting so much these days it is driving me mad so any help could be very much appreciated. Anyway, in my language, there are not a lot good source like this.
Your blog is fine. I simply want to touch upon the design. Its too loud. Its doing approach an excessive amount of and it takes away from what youve got to say --which I think is basically important. I dont know in the event you didnt suppose that your words may maintain everyones consideration, but you have been wrong. Anyway, in my language, there usually are not a lot good source like this.
Assets just like the one you talked about here might be very helpful to me! I will submit a link to this page on my blog. I am positive my guests will discover that very useful. Big thanks for the helpful info i discovered on Domain Information Anyway, in my language, there should not much good source like this.
Hello, i learn your blog sometimes and that i own a similar one and i used to be just wondering if you happen to get a variety of spam feedback? In that case how do you prevent it, any plugin or something you may advocate? I'm getting a lot recently it's driving me mad so any assist is very much appreciated. Anyway, in my language, there will not be a lot good supply like this.
Daniel, yea I can see what you did there. I actually liked that part, but hehe I'm not that harsh like my dad with these things. He at all times tells me crazy stories again in the day and calls me a loser. I assume it's time I transfer out of my parents' basement LOL. Aaanyways, what about you? what does your dad assume xD" Anyway, in my language, there usually are not much good source like this.
Took me time to learn all the feedback, however I actually enjoyed the article. It proved to be very useful to me and I am certain to all the commenters right here! It's at all times nice when you can not only be informed, but in addition engaged! I am sure you had joy penning this article. Anyway, in my language, there are usually not a lot good supply like this.
Great write-up, I'm a big believer in commenting on blogs to help the blog writers know that they?ve added something worthwhile to the world extensive web! (supply roblox-cheats.com). Anyway, in my language, there aren't much good source like this.
Assets just like the one you talked about here might be very helpful to me! I will submit a link to this page on my blog. I am positive my guests will discover that very useful. Big thanks for the helpful info i discovered on Domain Information Anyway, in my language, there should not much good source like this.
Hello, i learn your blog sometimes and that i own a similar one and i used to be just wondering if you happen to get a variety of spam feedback? In that case how do you prevent it, any plugin or something you may advocate? I'm getting a lot recently it's driving me mad so any assist is very much appreciated. Anyway, in my language, there will not be a lot good supply like this.
Daniel, yea I can see what you did there. I actually liked that part, but hehe I'm not that harsh like my dad with these things. He at all times tells me crazy stories again in the day and calls me a loser. I assume it's time I transfer out of my parents' basement LOL. Aaanyways, what about you? what does your dad assume xD" Anyway, in my language, there usually are not much good source like this.
Took me time to learn all the feedback, however I actually enjoyed the article. It proved to be very useful to me and I am certain to all the commenters right here! It's at all times nice when you can not only be informed, but in addition engaged! I am sure you had joy penning this article. Anyway, in my language, there are usually not a lot good supply like this.
Great write-up, I'm a big believer in commenting on blogs to help the blog writers know that they?ve added something worthwhile to the world extensive web! (supply roblox-cheats.com). Anyway, in my language, there aren't much good source like this.
Assets just like the one you talked about here might be very helpful to me! I will submit a link to this page on my blog. I am positive my guests will discover that very useful. Big thanks for the helpful info i discovered on Domain Information Anyway, in my language, there should not much good source like this.
Hello, i learn your blog sometimes and that i own a similar one and i used to be just wondering if you happen to get a variety of spam feedback? In that case how do you prevent it, any plugin or something you may advocate? I'm getting a lot recently it's driving me mad so any assist is very much appreciated. Anyway, in my language, there will not be a lot good supply like this.
Daniel, yea I can see what you did there. I actually liked that part, but hehe I'm not that harsh like my dad with these things. He at all times tells me crazy stories again in the day and calls me a loser. I assume it's time I transfer out of my parents' basement LOL. Aaanyways, what about you? what does your dad assume xD" Anyway, in my language, there usually are not much good source like this.
Took me time to learn all the feedback, however I actually enjoyed the article. It proved to be very useful to me and I am certain to all the commenters right here! It's at all times nice when you can not only be informed, but in addition engaged! I am sure you had joy penning this article. Anyway, in my language, there are usually not a lot good supply like this.
there are not a lot good supply like this.
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I was wondering what's up with that bizarre gravatar??? I know 5am is early and I am not looking my best at that hour, but I hope I do not appear to be this! I'd however make that face if I am asked to do a hundred pushups. lol Anyway, in my language, there will not be much good source like this.
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I was wondering what's up with that bizarre gravatar??? I know 5am is early and I am not looking my best at that hour, but I hope I do not appear to be this! I'd however make that face if I am asked to do a hundred pushups. lol Anyway, in my language, there will not be much good source like this.
Can I make a suggestion? I believe youve obtained something good here. But what should you added a pair links to a page that backs up what youre saying? Or possibly you could give us one thing to look at, one thing that may connect what youre saying to one thing tangible? Only a suggestion. Anyway, in my language, there aren't much good source like this.
I was wondering what's up with that bizarre gravatar??? I know 5am is early and I am not looking my best at that hour, but I hope I do not appear to be this! I'd however make that face if I am asked to do a hundred pushups. lol Anyway, in my language, there will not be much good source like this.
Thanks for the wise critique. Me & my neighbour have been getting ready to perform a little research about that. We received a great guide on that matter from our local library and most books the place not as influensive as your information. I am very glad to see such info which I used to be searching for a protracted time.This made very glad! Anyway, in my language, there usually are not much good source like this.
Wonderful learn, I just handed this onto a colleague who was doing a little analysis on that. And he truly purchased me lunch as a result of I found it for him smile So let me rephrase that: Thanks for lunch! Anyway, in my language, there are usually not much good source like this.
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Your blog is fine. I just need to comment on the design. Its too loud. Its doing means too much and it takes away from what youve bought to say --which I believe is absolutely important. I dont know should you didnt suppose that your phrases could hold everyones attention, but you had been wrong. Anyway, in my language, there are not a lot good supply like this.
Well said! This was a really quality post. In theory I'd like to write like this too - taking time and real effort to make a good article... but what can I say... I procrastinate alot and never seem to get something done.
Thank you for the sensible critique. Me & my neighbour were preparing to do some research about that. We got a good book on that matter from our local library and most books where not as influensive as your information. I am very glad to see such information which I was searching for a long time.This made very glad Smile
Really appreciate this post. It?s hard to sort the good from the bad sometimes, but I think you?ve nailed it!
Glorious info here. This interesting put up made me smile. Perhaps should you throw in a few footage it'll make the whole thing extra interesting. Anyway, in my language, there are not much good supply like this.
Took me time to read all of the comments, but I really loved the article. It proved to be very useful to me and I am positive to all the commenters right here! It is always good when you can't solely be informed, but additionally engaged! I am sure you had pleasure writing this article. Anyway, in my language, there aren't a lot good supply like this.
Assets just like the one you talked about here might be very helpful to me! I will submit a link to this page on my blog. I am positive my guests will discover that very useful. Big thanks for the helpful info i discovered on Domain Information Anyway, in my language, there should not much good source like this.
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